Monday, December 1, 2014

Iberry Finale

All people who under the lure of buying good configuration tablet / phone, who believe in supporting a new company read this.


A company like this one does not appreciate customer feedback and nor is their hardware mating properly with each other. End result is a shoddy piece of workmanship. Lack of appropriate support makes it worse.
Buy a branded tablet even if it were to cost you a few rupees more. In the future, if these guys change their attitude then probably things could be different. However as of today, I would NOT purchase electronics from this company.

All companies have teething problems, but not for so long that our hard earned money goes waste. We have not purchased items to be treated shoddily nor have we started a free lunch home, that companies like this one have a free lunch.

I thank you all for your support and feedback on the blog. I shall respond whenever possible from my schedule.

So till my next blog, I am signing off...
The Doctor.